Page 2 - Reviews - The Grandpa Soap Co., Pine Tar Shampoo, Scalp Therapy, 8 fl oz (237 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 29, 2016
Verified Purchase

**If you find my review useful, click "YES" and see more useful info by clicking on my name.**I've tried a lot of shampoos and for a long time I was a fan of products that contain coal tar solution. I never had any luck with products where the active ingredient was selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc or anything other than coal tar solution. I've tried them all. And then a few years ago the brands that I liked to use stopped using coal tar solution as the active ingredient and claimed a "new improved formula" - none of them worked for me. I ran out of what I was using because I couldn't find anything with coal tar other than T-Gel. And T-Gel worked in that it helped "control" my psoriasis and reduce plaques, but it never made my scalp healthy and its fragrance was nothing to brag about either. So I starting using a left over bottle of baby shampoo just to wash my hair until I could find something that worked. It was by accident using the baby shampoo that I realized my skin was sensitive to the surfactants used in mainstream brands. This is one of the reasons that baby shampoo is tear free - it has less harsh ingredients. My symptoms were reduced, but it still didn't get rid of the flaking and plaques I had on my scalp. I was further convinced that using a different shampoo formula was part of my problem when I stayed at a hotel and used the complimentary shampoo. Whatever cheap, harsh chemicals were in hotel shampoo caused my scalp to get worse in just one or two days of use. I found a shampoo at a natural foods retailer that was free of the harsh chemicals. I like the smell of it and it was supposed to assist with scalp health, but it still didn't eliminate the plaques. I then tried Grandpa's bar soap because this retails stopped carrying the shampoo. The bar soap helped, but it had a strong, funky smell. I put the bar inside a travel soap holder because it was so fragrant. I finally ordered Grandpa's shampoo from Amazon in May and have used it daily since. My scalp has never been healthier. I have no sores, no plaques, and no flakes. It is, by far, the best shampoo I've ever used to control my psoriasis. It does have a funky smell, and my wife is not fond of it, but I don't think the smell is as strong as Grandpa's bar soap. I am almost out of this first bottle, so I'm going to order it again with my next Amazon order and will order two bottles so that I'll always have a backup.